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Test Center - Publish 65 and Patch Notes (3月25日)

發表於 2010-3-26 09:01:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Test Center - Publish 65 and Patch Notes
James Nichols
25 Mar 2010 15:49:37 ESTGreetings!

Publish 65 will be available on Test Center today, it has a lot of great changes (and maybe a few surprises) so be sure to check it out before it arrives world wide in a few weeks - You can find the publish and patch notes below to see what's in store, have fun!

Additionally, the following change will be going live World Wide during normal maintenance, thank you:


Players will receive a warning gump when they step on the House Teleporter Tiles to prevent you from being teleported without your permission.
Publish 65 Notes

Happy April Fools - *Evil Grin* You didn’t think we forgot, did you?

Mysticism Revamp

Cleansing Winds
Cleansing Winds will now affect players in a small area around the target as well
Players or creatures may be the direct target of the Cleansing Winds spell, however, players in the area must be in the casters party in order to receive the beneficial effects of the spell.
Pets can be directly targeted, but will not receive the spell benefits as part of the area effect.
WARNING:  This spell will flag the caster as a criminal if a criminal or murderer party member is close enough to the target to receive the benefits from the area of effect (be very careful of who you party with, especially in town)
This effect can hit up to 3 additional players beyond the primary target
The effectiveness of the spell is reduced by the number of targets affected
The total healing, cure chance, remove curse chance are based on the skill of the caster.
If a target is cured the healing they received will be reduced proportionately to the level of poison that was cured.  If the cure fails, the target will not be healed.
Spell Plague
Spell Plague hits the target with an explosion of chaos energy.
The residual energy from the chaos explosion can continue to erupt when the target takes additional damage.
Each subsequent explosion does decreasing amounts of damage, until the residual energy has been dissipated in a maximum of 3 explosions or after a duration of 8 seconds.  There is a minimum of 2 seconds between each residual explosion.
If a target is already affected with a spell plague, each additional spell plague will take effect after the previous one expires.  (The initial chaos explosion takes effect immediately and can trigger the secondary explosions of spell plague)
Sleep/Mass Sleep
Sleep will no longer prevent targets from casting spells or attacking
Sleep will place the target in a state of stupor for a period determined by the caster’s skills and the target’s Resist Spells skill.
While in this state they will have their casting, casting recover, attack, and movement speed severely reduced.
If target receives damage during this period, the stupor effect will be broken
Targets will be immune to Sleep for 26 seconds after the initial stupor effect beings, and immune to Mass Sleep is for 20 seconds
Base duration has increased
Duration of the enchanted effect will scale based on the level of the spell enchanted
Purge Magic
Players can only be purged once every 8 seconds
Players must have mysticism and focus/imbuing close to the level of the spell they are attempting to purge
             New Effect

·         If there are no valid beneficial wards that can be purged, the target will have their mana requirements to increase based on the skill  of the caster for a duration of 8 seconds.  Upon ending the disruption, magic energy will rush into the target causing an explosion of chaos energy

·         The target can remove the disruption to their mana flow by doing damage to any other player or creature before the effect dispels itself.  Additionally the damage taken by the target scales with how long the disruption has been in effect

·         The target will be immune to purge effects for an additional 16 seconds if they are affected by the mana disruption.

Healing Stone -  This spell summons a healing stone into the caster’s backpack which is only usable by the caster and will heal the caster instantly upon use.

·         The healing stone will have stored life energy or healing points which determine how many times the stone can be used before being destroyed. (The life energy is determined by the casters mysticism and focus/imbuing skills)

·         The maximum amount the stone can heal for in a single usage is determined by the caster’s mysticism and focus/imbuing skills)

·         The stone now has healing energy which determines how much of the maximum healing can be used at a time. This healing energy is completely consumed with each use and must take time to recharge before being able to heal for the maximum amount.

·         The cool down on healing usage for the stone is 2 seconds, and it takes 15 seconds to replenish the stone’s energy completely..

·         The healing stone can now be used to cure poison. The chance to cure is based on the user’s mysticism and focus/imbuing skills. The life energy cost to cure poison is based on the level of poison. Failing to cure poison only costs 1/3rd of the life energy as curing.

·         Curing will not affect the stone’s energy.

·         Summoning time for the Healing Stone has been increased significantly

Gargoyle Wearable Alterations and Crafting

Wing Armor was added to convert the back slot  (currently only leather is available)
Gargish Leather Talons have been added for conversion from footwear. (other material types will be in the future)
Gargish half apron has been added to the gargoyle wearables
Gargish glasses has been added to the gargoyle wearables
Gargish sash has been added to the gargoyle wearables
Navrey Adjustments

Navrey’s respawn timer has been reduced to 10 minutes
Navrey’s drop rate has been increased
Gargoyle Racial Abilities Update


·         Once a gargoyle has lost 20% of his/her health, he/she gains 15% damage bonus and 3% SDI.  This increases damage another increment for each 20% additional damage (maximum 60% damage bonus and 12% SDI).

Deadly Aim

·         All Gargoyles are trained from childhood in the skill of Throwing, giving them a basic competence with missile weapons (minimum gargoyle skill in throwing is 200).

·          Gargoyles receive a 5% bonus to hit that stacks with HCI and skill bonus.  

·         Gargoyle’s hit chance cap has been increased to 50%.

Mystic Insight

·         Gargoyles have an intuitive understanding of Mysticism, allowing them to cast Mysticism spells without further training. (minimum gargoyle skill in Mysticism is 300).

·         Gargoyles receive +2 Mana Regeneration which stacks with Meditation and Focus.

Titles Customization

New titles customization menu is now available through the “Open Titles Menu” choice in the context menu on your paperdoll
Titles may now be customized in the following locations
Paperdoll Name (prefix)
Paperdoll Name (Suffix)
Overhead Name (shown in your All Names and first line of your item properties tooltip)
Subtitle (shown in the second line of your item properties tooltip
Each title location will have different categories available, including

o    Monster (Champion Spawns)

o    Guild (Abbreviation & Custom Title)

o    Reward (Community Collections & Special Events)

o    Skills

o    Fame/Karma (Reputation)

        Additional Changes

o    Skill Titles may now be used in your Overhead Name location (as a suffix, such as “the swordsman”) and required skill levels be above 90.0 to be available.

o    Skill and monster titles may now be used in your Subtitle Location

o    Several skills which have similar titles have been updated

Tents have returned to Gyspy Camps

·         Gypsy Camps now spawn with their tents.

·         The tents are now persistent and are no longer instantly deleted after creation

·         The spawn locations of the treasure chests, campfire and kettle, trash pile, and gypsies are now randomized

·         The template now spawns 4 to 6 gypsies instead of 4

·         The gypsies and their treasure chests now occasionally spawn with enhanced loot. (Reagents, Gems, Checks or new jewelry pieces)

Bug Fixes

Forced walk was removed from Stone Form and Reaper form
New Artifacts will be dropping on Renowneds – Jade War Axe, Cavalry’s Folly, or the Basilisk Hide Breastplate have been added
Added human artifacts to the following mobs in addition to the ones already on them, Abyssal, Medusa, Primeval Liche, Slasher, Stygian Dragon
Renowned Ratmen’s loot has been adjusted, plus an imbuing gem will drop.
Purple Potions will no longer teleport to the target location if the target has moved since the potion was thrown.
You are now able to engrave the Gargish Chest
Gems from the gem cart can now be used with Imbuing
When planting the sugar cane seed you will no longer see A bowl of soft dirt with a Vibrant Peculiar Seed when using poppy dust, you will see A bowl of soft dirt with a Vibrant Peculiar Sugar Canes
Players will be able to reach their bodies when they die on the ferry from the Chyloth’s Bell in Doom
Fixed the Gardener’s Toolbox.
Player’s are able to combine Abyssal cloth through the menu, and can use combined cloth for Imbuing
Gargoyle Warrior template includes swords but they were entering the game with a fencing weapon, this was fixed and they will now enter with a dread sword
Putrid Undead Gargoyles were given their own unique hue to identify them easier
Cavern of the Discarded should no longer clog and stop working.
Fame and Karma can now be viewed throughis you the loyalty gump.
Purge Magic will no longer dispel Animal Forms
Putrid Undead Gargoyles are spawning in the Holy City
Stacked Pepta’s Satiety Cures will no longer remove a charge from every cure
Patch (Enhanced Client)

New Options in the User Settings

Detailed Hotbar Tooltips (Default: On) – Displays additional tooltip information for items placed on the hotbar.
Enable Autorun (Default: On) – Allows you to move without holding down any mouse buttons. To start autorun, hold down the right mouse button and single-click the left mouse button. To stop autorun, single-click the right mouse button. (This is an already existing feature, but now the option is available to turn this off.)
Auto-Navigate Around Objects (Default: On) – Allows you to automatically navigate around impassible objects. (This is an already existing feature, but now the option is available to turn this off.)
Cursor Target Queuing (Default: Off) – Allows you to queue a cursor targeting action via macro, mouse wheel, or keyboard before the targeting cursor appears.
Shift-Right Click to Open Context Menus (Default: Off) - Use shift-right click (instead of left click) to open context menus for creatures and objects in the world. This does not affect user interface context menus, which still use right click. (This was previously determined by the “Legacy Targeting” option. Now, you can choose the method you want for opening context menus in either targeting modes.)
Display Pop-Up Window for Party Invitations (Default: On) – Displays pop-up dialog when party invitations are received.
Hotbar Locking

Hotbars may now be locked by right-clicking on a hotbar slot and selecting “Lock Hotbar”. To unlock a hotbar, right-click on a hotbar slot and select “Unlock Hotbar”.
When a hotbar is locked, you will not be able to move the hotbar, move items from the hotbar, or resize the hotbar. Items may still be placed onto the hotbar.
Additional Changes

Added tooltip descriptions for all macro actions.
Added tooltip descriptions for all stats in the Character Sheet window.
Added tooltip descriptions for all skills in the Skills window.
Added tooltip descriptions for all options in the User Settings.
Corpses now highlight on mouseover.
Added a “Log Out” macro action and key binding.
Added cursor targeting actions to the key bindings.
Macro Editor now has all icons available in the game.
Camera zoom settings now save across play sessions.
Shard and character selections can now be double-clicked on during the login process.
Bug Fixes

Fixed hotbar tooltip display issues with the Gargoyle “Flying” ability
Containers were not closing at the correct distance away from the player, resulting in “too far away” messages when trying to pick up items in the container.
Gargoyles were not able to use the Dual Short Axes in the “Target by Resource” macro action.
Items were not highlighting properly when shown within the Circle of Transparency.
Player waypoint in the Atlas was not updating when “Center on Player” was turned off.
Party member waypoints were not updating until the player moved.
Players got stuck in autorun mode when releasing the right mouse button over an interface element such as the hotbar or container.
Screenshots were not saving correctly for all game resolutions.
Screenshots were not saving the lighting conditions properly (such as nighttime shots).
Quickly clicking on one interface element then another falsely triggered a double-click on the second element.
Key bindings text was not display for macros placed on the hotbar.
The “Accept” button in the Trade Window sometimes required multiple clicks to properly accept the trade.
Gumps for Animal Lore, Bulk Order Books, and Crafting had invisible space that prevented the gumps from being dragged to the edge of the screen. (*)
Conflagration potions played sound effects at extremely high levels. (*)
Please Note: Items with (*) require Publish 65 to be fully operational.

Patch (Classic Client)

Bug Fixes

Containers were not closing at the correct distance away from the player, resulting in “too far away” messages when trying to pick up items in the container.
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