本帖最後由 SDV 於 2017-2-24 10:25 編輯
Dear all,
We are in the process of staging a publish that will be released tomorrow 2/22/2017 during your regular maintenance cycles. Japanese shards will receive the changes below tonight during their scheduled maintenance.
(官方已經在 2/22 號發佈了 P96 版本的資料,並且更新到全部主機)
以下是一些新的改變 :
Doom Dark father will no longer teleport himself to different locations and we have put a cool down on the number of times he can teleport you to him. Please remember he is still leashed so you can not remove him from the area.
(末日地城的 暗黑王(黑老爸), 將不再傳送自己到不同的地區(暴走),而且無法把它騙到另外一個地區)
Putrefier will no longer spawn Elemental and their loot has been greatly reduced.
(Putrefier ? 這是啥怪 , 打倒它之後不會在產生 spawn Elemental 而且身上的東西會變少)
All versions of Glenda will be reset to their original stats and can no longer be imbued. Glenda’s additional damage will require 60 tactics to activate. Bone breaker will no longer activate on special abilities and while in Animal forms.
Field spells can once again be cast on stone bridges.
Resolved the issue where targeting mobs with magic would not work properly when you could not target the ground location.
(解決了 target 對怪物施放魔法的 Bug)
如有語意上的錯誤, 還請大家協助修正, 謝謝!