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發表於 2008-11-10 12:00:48 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Swords clashed in combat between two humans - one male standing 6'2 and a female around 5'7. The young man was wearing typical battle gear, bright chrome armor that seemed to fit every curve of his muscled physic. The young woman, who seemed to be matching every strike he put towards her, was almost identically dressed with the same style chrome armor. The two combatants were engaging each other in almost harmonious melee combat, neither one losing footing to the other.

A few feet away, a dark cloaked figure seemed to be presiding over the contest. Without motion, nor words the figure stood perfectly still.

"Valec!" came the soft but obvious yell from the young woman towards the man in a voice that almost sang as she spoke. Pausing from her combat she looked for an answer from the now seemingly distracted man who was currently looking down at the ground as if focused on something far away. "What is it?" She pryed.

"Someone approaches... and something's wrong" Valec responded to his friend.

The cloaked figure now stepped forward towards the pair, pulling down the hood, it was clear, the figure was a beautiful yet aged woman with waist length silver hair. "Good young one, you are learning to be aware of your surroundings while in combat, but tell me, how do you know something is wrong?" she asked.

Looking up at his mentor Valec replied "The footfall - it's hasteful for a dragon of our brood, also, the wind it moves with him - a sign of trouble."

"Is that all?" She asked as she looked at him and then smiled at the young woman who now seemed to be concentrating her thoughts.

"I feel it now! The spirit aura, his magic, it's heightened, I can sense it" The young woman now slightly proud of herself for an instant, before a concerned look crossed her face at the realization of what she'd learned.

"Good Tilas, Good Valec, both of you, when you learn to sense all these things you will have progressed to my liking" The older woman responded as a magical aura glowing dark blue, purple and silver glistened around her body giving form to her. The once human woman within seconds transformed into an immense Platinum Dragon Matriarch. She was adorned with elaborate horns, a blue sheened chest plate with assorted jewels, and a matching jeweled head plate of armor that had a cut away to accommodate for the large frilled ridge that lined her forehead and continued down her back.

The two younger dragons followed suit after their mentor, calling forth the proper magics needed to undo the spell that held their human transformation intact. Now the draconic combatants in their true form while not nearly as large nor decorated as the elder female, still an impressive sight to behold two young adult Platinum dragons as they stood behind their mentor.

With a rush of wind a fourth dragon finished his approach towards the group. This one was larger than the two younger dragons but obviously not the same stature as the Matriach. Giving a revered bow towards the older female, the adult male platinum dragon with a concerned look upon his face spoke.

"The Crimson dragons have found a way to return home"

Silence fell upon the group as if everyone there suddenly knew some disturbing fate but never believed it could happen.

"Aesthyron, what should we do?" Tilas asked the older female

With a gentle smile the massive female Aesthyron seemed to comfort the young ones who now all looked to her for guidance. "We will consult with the elders and Bryxion" Pausing for a moment she spoke again "Young ones, you do not know of the lands from which the elder of our brood came - these lands are now called Britannia- though it was not always named as such. If the Crimson brood have left this void for home there can be only one purpose for their return. They intend to conquer the lands, and in order to do so they will slay every living creature that stands in their way."

"We have to fight them. For what manner of creature can stand against a Crimson destroyer better than we the Platinum Dragons!" Valec proclaimed "It's what we are born to do, our duty".

An unknown voice says "Then it will be".

Over the past few days, the number of missing crews, sunken or lost ships reports has soared to an unprecedented height. Every tavern has a sailor recounting tales even stranger than usual: whirlpools suddenly forming near their ships, threatening to engulf them; pets entering the affected areas acting erratically; the aquatic fauna fleeing the region in droves; appearance of never seen before sea monsters...

Fishermen and Merchants alike are demanding an investigation. It is not just their trade being threatened, it is their very lives and the safety of Britannia in its entirety.

It should take the player at least 1 to 2 hours to complete, either in 1 continuous session or spread over a few days.
The event can either be Led entirely by the EM, meaning the event begins when the EM starts it and ends when the EM leaves. Or it can be an Ongoing event where the EM's presence isn't required for players to be taking part in it.
In the case of a Led event where the EM will role-play a character, your design must take into consideration the need to re-enact the entire quest at different hours over a few days.

In the case of an Ongoing event involving a finale led by the EM, your design must account for players who will be unable to attend so they too get a sense of closure.


發表於 2008-11-10 12:41:51 | 顯示全部樓層
XD 這是甚麼?!
請詳細解釋一下!!! 哈哈
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